Many people put on their shoes and socks and get on with their day without really thinking about it. However, pain, injury, illness or disability can make it challenging to get ready in the morning, move around, or do what we want to do. We rely on our feet. Our feet comprise many bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves and blood vessels. All these moving parts need to work well together for us to stay healthy and active, and sometimes they need a little help.
Pedorthics is a small yet vital health profession specialising in foot and lower limb health care, orthopaedic footwear, orthotics and bracing.
Pedorthics helps people:
- restore, retain, or improve their mobility
- alleviate painful or debilitating conditions
- achieve healthy foot and ankle function
- minimise the impact of impairment
- prevent stress, strain, pain and injury.
Pedorthists are trained in lower limb anatomy, physiology and biomechanics. They’re skilled in the design, manufacture, fit and function of foot appliances and footwear. Pedorthists treat patients for a wide range of foot and lower limb conditions, from common heel pain to complex, debilitating foot deformities.
Pedorthists provide a range of services to help with your foot care needs, including:
- Comprehensive lower limb assessments
- Gait analysis (looking at how you walk or run)
- Plantar pressure mapping (measuring foot pressure distribution while walking or standing)
- Education about foot or lower limb conditions and treatment options
- Fitting and adjustments for prefabricated (ready-made) footwear
- Modifying orthotics, bracing and footwear
- Providing custom-made orthotics and custom-made footwear
A shoe (or orthotic) that fits well feels terrific and allows your foot to function optimally. It looks good too! Pedorthists work with you to find the best solution for your foot or lower limb problem, and the best combination of form, style and function. An insole from the local chemist may help if it’s the right product for your foot shape and function, but if not, it will be of no benefit or may cause additional problems. Pedorthists can provide an expert assessment of your feet and current footwear. They can help you choose footwear that fits your feet and suits your activities. Pedorthists can also modify and manufacture orthotic devices and footwear to treat your foot or lower limb condition.
Pedorthists are certified by the Australian Pedorthists Registration Board (APRB). You’ll find pedorthists in retail settings, as well as the public and private health sector. They frequently work together with GPs, podiatrists, physiotherapists, orthopaedic surgeons and other healthcare professionals to provide quality multidisciplinary care.
If you’d like to enjoy better health and feel more stable, confident and comfortable on your feet, Pedorthists can help. Click here to find a certified pedorthist near you!